Download God of War for PC Highly Compressed :

Welcome here all the fans of Download God of War series. Such an amazing series of game here you will be a gaming character Kartos as you in the game. God of War 1 is a Third person prespective action-adventures game. It was release on March 22, 2005 through the publishers called Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) company. The game was developed by Santa Monica Studio company for their customers to provide a well stunning game as God of War. This is a key factor for the game to be famous. Many gamers love the character Kartos thats the also a reason for it. If you are a God of War game series lover then this is the first part of it, I’m sure you will get to see more and more intresting things about the game.
Gameplay :
This game is the first in the sseries of God of War. The controls are decent to be very honest they are’nt very good for begginers you should get to use them properly. The key factor is the attacking and defence line up of Kartos. Well done the Designers of the game. Enemies are also very good means strong. Hydra cannot be easily get defended. In the first missions everyone finds it easy but the skills are tested during the middle and last missions. Extreme gameplay the game is enriched with. W, D, A and S are primary controls or rather you can click on controls menu to see more stuff. If you want to see graphics in the game then its not possible because the game was developed a while time ago so no graphics have added to it.

About :
To download the Highly Compressed version for pc you have arrive at the right and proper place are be able to Download the Highly Compressed game with no issues. Majourity of the other sites just offer you to get the game but you get viruses and malware in return. 200Gaming is completely different and better from those sites. Here I personally play and verify all the games so to make sure my visitors get the right game always. Not only God of War but many more other games you can Download Highly Compressed as well as full version PC and but mobile games too. Please refer to more articles for your answer.
- Refer to the minimum system requirements of the game :
- RAM: 500 MB.
- CPU: Intel Pentium or lower.
- Disk space: 2GB of space.
- DirectX: No need of DirectX.
- Here are the suggested requirements of the game :
- RAM: 1GB.
- CPU: Intel core, pentium or lower.
- Disk Space: 2.5 GB of space.
- DirectX: DirectX 1.0
How to Download the game?
1. Click the below button for the game.
2. You'll be redirected to 200Gaming's FB Page.
3. There you'll see a direct link.
4. Click on it you'll see the download button.
5. That's it you'll get it.
Installation guide :
1. Extract the file using Win Rar.Click Here to Download
2. Open the setup.
3. It will take around 10 minutes.
4. It is done now open the game.
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